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Thinking he had merely slept due to hikers exhaustion, when he awoke, Baker had no a recolllection of what had happened and had no idea he had been struck until another hiker pointed out the fist-sized wound in the back of his scalp.I have a mark on each foot a mark on each elbow and a mark on one shoulder blade. It looks like I was breitling Replica watches hit by one blast. Baker said.On whether he will continue hiking, Baker had no hesitation.I would go right back out there tomorrow if my legs didnt feel bad, he said. Its amazing. You just dont understand until you get to the top of a 14,000-foot peak.--Shauna Sweeney

On my first Himalayan expedition, I spent $1 per character to replica Jaeger LeCoultre watches sendan email. "Hi, I'm back safely" costs $19! How times have changed.Twittering from the Top is not unheard of today. Expeditions sendemails, pictures and videos from trek to summit - all for pennies.Social media is a key tool for climbers and expedition companies topromote and share their adventures.The ability to stay in touch is priceless for some climbers. I knowthat without my satellite phone to call my wife, I would be lost onlong expeditions. The opportunity to bring others along on the dailyexperiences of a climb bring more meaning for some climbers. But forothers, staying connected destroys the purity of their sport.

Technology failures, rumors orhonest misinformation replica Tissot watches can lead friends and families to confusing andunnecessary concern.In 2009, Gavin turned back at the balcony and we watched his pathlead to an exposed edge and abruptly stop. He was fine but left manywatchers wondering if disaster had struck. His home team made this postin the midst of the crisis:There are hundreds of possible scenarios but nothing atpresent can be confirmed until we hear from Gavin. Due to his lack ofcontact we can only assume that he is either higher up and queuing tosummit without the tracker or on his way down and the phone battery hasdied with the cold weather. Obviously laptop and hence twitter updatescannot operate without the sat phone link up.Tim Ripple ofPeak Freaks kept everyone informed throughout his team's expeditionusing Twitter. Tim tweeted "Everest 27,000 ft.. we are alive and well.